Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why Kaleidoscope?

When I think about the conversation I would like to facilitate in this forum, the image of a kaleidoscope fits perfectly. I hope that together, we can:

  • Magnify and expand that which is beautiful in education
  • Find patterns
  • Reflect; hold up mirrors
  • Reorganize, reframe, reassemble
  • Gather perspectives
  • Shine light

I’d like to use this forum both to document my visits to schools, as well as to share my collected reflections and questions. Some of the interconnected topics I plan to explore in later posts include:

Standardized testing and curriculum: Children learn and express knowledge differently. Standardized testing penalizes and pathologizes difference. How can we create schools where all children feel valued and whole?

Reframing “Success”: Include the pursuit of happiness, pursuit of meaning, & pursuit of connectedness. We need to teach our children the skills to care for themselves in many ways, not just financially.    

Empathy & the Arts: Empathy is a performative act, requiring a well-developed imagination. We must nurture the development of children’s creative minds to build strong learning communities.

Social & Emotional Development: How can we support children in taking care of their mental and social health? How can we value feelings as well as thoughts?

Product versus Process: Learning is an invisible act. Attempting to externalize in order to quantify learning often confuses the point, and decreases intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation: Rewarding children only for the learning product, as opposed to the process, devalues learning itself. How can we value the learning process and a child’s intrinsic drive to learn?

Student-directed versus teacher-directed learning: What is the appropriate balance? How do we give children time to "sit and wonder"?

Please check back often and add your voice to the conversation!


  1. Very excited about this pursuit, Dorna! I'd add to the Reframing "Success" point-- pursuing meaning as well as happiness. I read this interesting study which has me thinking about meaning vs. happiness (though I still think pursuing happiness is a pretty great thing to do):

  2. Very excited about this pursuit, Dorna! I'd add to the Reframing "Success" point-- pursuing meaning as well as happiness. I read this interesting study which has me thinking about meaning vs. happiness (though I still think pursuing happiness is a pretty great thing to do):

  3. Thanks Dale! I agree. I've been thinking about this point often as well. I'll add to it and just keep adding!

  4. Thank you so much for undertaking this this wondrous and essential exploration. I wish there were more people asking these sorts of questions when I was growing up... actually I wish there were more people asking these sorts of questions NOW, but I'm ever so glad that you are. I have a friend I want to put you in touch with. Also, two quick book suggestions that might be of interest, just in case you haven't come across them yet:
    1.) How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiousity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough and 2.) Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity by Andrew Solomon. I can lend either or both, if you're interested. I think you can probably find corresponding TEDtalks and/or NPR interviews for each (I know, for example, that there was a really good This American Life on education that covered Paul Tough's book). Good luck and blessings on this worthy work! - Drew Paton
